Placement and Internship Programme (PIP)

How employers may benefit from PIP?

Equipped with knowledge in latest technologies, our engineering students can bring fresh ideas and new perspectives into your workplace.

Propose your research ideas to PIP and let it be developed by selected final year students under the supervision of CUHK Professors who have expert knowledge extensive experience in that particular area.

By joining PIP, your company can easily stay ahead in the competition for human resources with other corporations. Reach the top notch students including the elite students from local Hong Kong, Mainland China and worldwide before your competitors do.

Posting a Job or Internship

Companies intended to post a job or internship on the PIP platform should first create a company account with us, where they will be asked to provide information about the services, products or accomplishments of the company.

Upon the creation of a company account, employers may start posting a new job by inputting the details of the job, which may include specific examples of the type of work involved for the internship or job, the competencies or skill sets required for each position, etc. All postings would be reviewed and approved by staff within two working days.
For details please refer to our step-by-step User Guide for Company or contact us if there is any query.

More about our Students

The following are the six engineering departments at CUHK: